FIFA Testing

The FIFA Testing & Certification, a guarantee of premium quality and consistency, is now a respected international industry standard. The FIFA certification, which was launched in February 2001, means that purchasers of football turf can rely on the FIFA RECOMMENDED endorsement when making their decisions. This endorsement is a mark of outstanding quality & optimum playing comfort.

With a FIFA RECOMMENDED artificial turf pitch, everybody benefits: manufacturers benefit from the reliability and credibility afforded by the FIFA quality seal. Players and managers reap the benefits of the outstanding playing conditions of a FIFA RECOMMENDED artificial turf. FIFA-certified pitch guarantees a long playing life and thus increases the return on investment.

Why choose QMSCI

Our qualified auditors independently evaluate the supplier to ensure the required standard, policies and procedure to be followed by them. To make sure that the supplier’s production control, manufacturing processes are according to the globally accepted Standards.

We are offering:

Easy online scheduling of services
Response within 48 business hours.
All-inclusive pricing
Necessary Reporting