OSHA Certifications


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, better known as OSHA, is a federal agency that ensures safety in workplaces by enforcing rules and supervising appropriate implementations. Apart from developing standards for compliance, OSHA also extends training and educational workshops and other programs for small businesses and corporations to adopt a culture of safety and health.

Benefits of OSHA Compliance


Complying with OSHA standards can reduce your workers’ compensation costs by helping you eliminate unsafe workplace conditions and making your company a safer place to work.


Compliance also means you are more likely to avoid inspections from an OSHA compliance officer. OSHA regulations state that OSHA can inspect your workplace without notice. But businesses with complaints filed against them have a higher chance of inspection, so your chances are greatly diminished if you’re complaint-free.


In the same vein, OSHA compliance can help you avoid costly fines, since you have inspected your workplace and corrected any violations or unsafe conditions. If your workplace is compliant, you are less likely to receive complaints, inspections and any subsequent fines.


Why Choose QMSCI


Technical knowledge and availability of our qualified local teams, able to provide packaged and targeted information, are strengths appreciated by our clients.

QMSCI adapts its services to your needs and helps you implement the legal standards of OSHA Compliance.